When you should consider an outsourced CFO?

An outsourced CFO is a financial expert who is hired on a part-time or project basis to establish the financial system and address financial concerns of an organization when required. This is becoming a popular practice these days, as an interim action or instead of paying for a full-time CFO.

outsourced CFO

An outsourced CFO performs the following functions:
  • resolves challenges like raising capital, cash flow issues, solving tight margins etc.
  • provides financial strategy services
  • helps with operational optimizations
  • assists in systems analysis and design
  • provides financial forecast

Reasons for hiring an outsourced CFO

  1. Budget - Many organizations today do not want to appoint a permanent, full-time CFO as it would mean paying the CFO a hefty salary with benefits and annual raises. They would rather utilize that budget in other pockets that would enhance the growth of the company.
  2. Affordability - Many organizations don’t have that much budget to invest in a people resource at that level. They would rather hire an outsourced CFO, as and when required, pay a good amount, but sans any benefits or annual raises. Hence, outsourced CFOs are a much more affordable option, while ensuring expert assistance.
  3. Assisting a full-time CFO - Outsourced CFOs are often appointed to help a full-time CFO in overcoming a financial challenge or achieve a difficult financial goal.
  4. Experience - Outsourced CFOs generally are experts in their field and are highly experienced. They bring an external viewpoint to the table, bring in objectivity, from which the business benefits. This breath of fresh air, different outlook to an issue, helps the business grow without running into difficulties.
  5. Interim Term - Finding the right person to act as a CFO can take time.  Companies need someone to fill the role while they search for the right full time person.

Edison Business Solutions helps you take control of your finances and better manage your business. They provide outsourced CFO accounting services and consulting to establish and maintain the financial controls and the systems you need to run your business. Contact Edison Business Solutions, schedule a consultation to know more about their outsourced CFO services.

About Edison Business Solutions:

Edison Business Solutions can help you take control of your finances and better manage your business. We help you account for every dollar. We learn about your business processes and the role of each employee in those processes. Then we use this information to choose the correct software, which can show you how profitable you are, how profitable you can be, and the best way to get there. Visit us at https://edisonbusinesssolutions.com to learn more about our services.


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